Mayor's Minute



Mayor's Minute  Caption

Top Story – Infrastructure Decisions!

Currently, the City Council is in the midst of information gathering and decision-making with regard to public infrastructure, land purchases, and zoning.  Chief of these considerations are/have been; the design and repair of the Redondo Pier, the design and construction of the Marina Steps, and the purchase of land for greenspace.


The Steps and Pier conversation will be first on the docket this next week – 6 pm – at City Hall. Please check our website for agenda packet information.  Though the Council just recently decided to move forward with completing the design phase of the Redondo Pier, more conversation needs to be had about moving forward.


The Council also considered the purchase of State land that is designated for housing, in order to create greenspace.  The Council turned down the opportunity, while it also directed staff to move forward with more affordable greenspace purchase opportunities.

Quick Q & A
I have participated in over almost 60 engagements with residents, colleagues, and staff in the last couple weeks, and here are a couple top Q&A items:
May I use the Beach Park if I don’t pay for parking?  Absolutely!  You can also take a ticket and drive through for 15 minutes, without a charge, if you just want to look at something or pick someone up.  And, if you purchase something in the Marina area (Anthony’s, Quarterdeck, Farmer’s Market), you can get a voucher for free parking.

ChickenWhat about chickens?  The short version is; you may have up to 10 hens if you have a 22,000 s.f. lot and follow code.  Roosters are not allowed.  If you have questions, you can call code enforcement at the police non-emergency line: 206-878-3301. 

EggWith the price of eggs, will this change? As a chicken lover myself, all I can do is hope, and advocate for this each year.  The ordinance is on our Work Plan, but we haven’t been able to bring it to the top - - yet. ;) 

Meetings & Events


I feel greatly honored to be newly elected as the President of Sound Cities Association.  SCA works to bring the one million people of 38 cities of King County together (except Seattle) to create one voice of advocacy.  It is designed to give the smaller cities a stronger, unified message about the things that are important to our citizens.  I am excited for good things this year! 

SCA Slide

One of the most important things SCA does is send a strong message to Olympia during the session in order to promote the interests of our cities.  This year a prime focus is on Public Safety and the provision of funding for cities.


With new responsibilities, I have needed to pass some along.  I am pleased to announce that Councilmember Achziger will now be representing Des Moines on the South King Housing and Homelessness Partners.  In the last two years, our SKHHP partnership has supported 500 units in South King County, providing new construction, rehabilitation, and upgrades to housing for our citizens.


 I have also transitioned from the Growth Management Policy Board of the Puget Sound Regional Council to serve on their Executive Board.  Primarily, PSRC is the conduit that brings federal funding into our 4-county region for transportation projects.



What an exciting privilege it was to attend the Governor’s Ball with Deputy Mayor Steinmetz,  and celebrate many newly elected officials.


I was excited to participate in welcoming the newest edition to our Marina; ZEV (zero emission vehicle) Carshare.  This business will not only provide electric car sharing to our citizens, but sets the groundwork for electric vessels using our Marina.

Marina Mercantile

Fundraising can be so fun!  The Marina Mercantile offered, “Tea with the Mayor” as a fundraising item for the Highline College Foundation, and Shana Friend won the bid. What a fantastic afternoon!


What an honor it was to meet and chat with our current King County Council President, Girmay Zahilay (Gir-MY  ZAH-hill-lie).  As he is also running for King County Executive, I was able to share some of the chief concerns of Des Moines and South King County; primarily public safety, and a compassionate and organized response to homelessness.

Nancy Salguero

Nancy Salguero – curator of the Highline Heritage Museum -  is an amazing person.  We met over tea and discussed possibilities for partnership.


A passionate citizen of Redondo, Teresa Laico met with me to chat about her vision for her Redondo neighborhood.

Our Businesses


I had a delightful day this week, visiting with more than a dozen businesses along Marine View Drive; hearing about their interests and challenges.  Check out my Mayor Traci Buxton facebook page for an album of photos!

Iris & Peony

Surrounded by beauty, people and laughter, it was a joy to welcome Robyn Desimone of Iris and Peony into town with a ribbon-cutting!  Check them out in Backstage Alley behind the Theater!

Theater Coffee

Coming to town in April is Second Love Coffee Roasters, located on the street level of the Theater.  Say “Hi” to Danielle, Phillip and Scott if you see them around!

Coming Up

Items in my calendar that may be of interest to you

February 1 Des Moines Creek Park Run
February 1 Iris & Peony Ribbon Cutting, 1-4pm
February 1 Another Time Ent. Birthday Bash @ Waterland Arcade
February 1 Saltwater Music Series: Music by Melartin @ Des Moines United Methodist Church
February 1 Hot Hatha Posture Clinic @ Shiva Yoga
February 1 Des Moines Historical Society Open 1-4
February 1 VIBE Bingo @ Jamar’s Sports Bar & Grill
February 2 Cups & Pups Afternoon Tea @ Marina Mercantile
February 4 MINGO Nights @ Marine Mercantile
February 5 What’s Up Des Moines @ Edward Jones
February 6 Finance Committee Meeting @ Des Moines City Hall
February 6 Public Safety Committee Meeting @ Des Moines City Hall
February 6 City Council Study Session @ Des Moines City Hall 
February 6 A Rose` In Winter @ Marina Mercantile
February 7-22 Valentine’s Tea @ Marina Mercantile
February 7 Watercolors & Wine @ Marina Mercantile
February 8 Hot Hatha, Bikram Based, Posture Clinic - Floor Series @ Shiva Yog
February 8 Des Moines Creek Park Run
February 11 Trivia Night @ the Quarterdeck
February 13 Valentine’s Paint Party @ Jamar’s Sports Bar
February 13 Wine for Romance @ Marina Mercantile
February 13 Transportation Committee Meeting @ Des Moines City Hall
February 13 Environment Committee Meeting @ Des Moines City Hall
February 13 City Council Meeting @ Des Moines City Hall 
February 14 Valentine’s Dinner @ Zenith Holland
February 14 Sweetheart Dance @ Des Moines Activity Center
February 15 Des Moines Creek Park Run
February 17 President’s Day – City Offices Closed 
February 18 MINGO Nights @ Marina Mercantile
February 18 Bingo Night @ the Quarterdeck
February 19 Paint Night @ the Tuscany 
February 20 Cornhole @ the All Star Sports Bar
February 21 Attack the Block @ Waterland Arcade
February 22 Sound Healing, Gentle Yin, Guided Meditation @ Shiva Yoga
February 22 Des Moines Creek Park Run 
February 22 Non Profit Symposium, 9-noon @ Des Moines Activity Center 
February 24 Vinyasa to Yin with Live Sound Bath @ Shiva Yoga, 
February 25 Trivia Night @ the Quarterdeck 
February 27 Municipal Facilities Committee Meeting @ Des Moines City Hall
February 27 Economic Development Committee Meeting @ Des Moines City Hall
February 27 City Council Meeting @ Des Moines City Hall 

Thank you for taking time to read!  As always, please feel free to reach out to me via phone or email – I would be happy to visit with you!  [email protected] – 206-251-2719

If you prefer to read the Mayor's Minutes in a PDF format, see below!  

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February 1, 2025